Driven by an XML interface, it has no installation and is easily used.
An圜hart Flash Chart Component v. Anychart is a flexible Macromedia Flash-based solution that allows you to create animated, compact, interactive and attractive charts.AiCharts for Android v.1.0.0 ArtfulBits Android chart is product that helps you visualize a wide range of financial, business, engineering and mathematical charts.Supported chart types are: line, area, pie, donut (doughnut), bar, column, scatter, xy. ArcadiaCharts v.1.0.2 arcadiaCharts creates attractive, interactive 2D and 3D JavaScript and GWT charts which run natively in all browsers without plugins (no flash required).Continuum Pan and Zoom v.6.0.3 Continuum Pan and Zoom 6.0.3 providers you with a comprehensive and reliable filter which includes a convenient setup mode offering on-screen controls for the size and position of the zoom region along with the anchor point and a preview area that.Find the legendary Peas of Kejick! The gameplay consists of interacting with various characters (mostly by talking. Make a journey with a friendly blue haired monster.
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